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What Surf Getaways women say about learning to surf at any age

If you've ever wondered if you should take up surfing, and if you need a bit of motivation to get going, we asked our experienced surf coaches and lovely customers what they would you say to a woman of any age that was considering trying surfing for the first time, and here’s what they had to say!

“You’re never too old or young to learn! Plenty of surfers don’t start till later in life. Just have fun! Get out in the water with your friends and give it a red hot go!” - Hannah, Surf Coach and Customer Relations

“If this is something that you want to do, then do it! If you are hesitant, go to some classes, find your tribe, have fun and be kind to yourself! Remember that surfing is one of the hardest things you will try and learn, lower your expectations and celebrate the small wins!! Smile, laugh and smile some more!!” - Jane, Senior Surf Coach

“Come with Surf Getaways, we have your back and will teach you at your own pace, enjoy the highs and work through the challenges. Why not? Age is not a barrier. Be present and set your goals and expectations realistically. Surfing is a lifetime experience, it's challenging and also rewarding, women can be so hard on themselves and it's important to let that go and find enjoyment in every session.” - Serena, Founder and Coaching Director

Don’t be hard on yourself, it takes a lot of time, especially if you’re new to the ocean and waves too. Make it about the journey, not the destination. Give back to the ocean too – take rubbish, plant trees, give love…laugh a lot. - Merome, Surf Coach from WA

“Have an open mind, allow for whatever comes up and just have fun with the process. Be proud of yourself at every stage, remember your reason why and don’t take it too seriously - that’s what it’s all about!” - Sarah, Senior Surf Coach and Area Manager

And what about our customers? We asked them to provide their best piece of advice for anyone thinking about giving surfing a go, and here are a few powerful answers from those that once were “thinking about it” and now are hooked!

“Get yourself a good surfing coach, someone who understands your goals and just get out there and give it a go. Being a woman (of any age) should never be seen as a barrier.” - Kate, Surf Getaways customer and surfer at 45

“Go gal!! very loudly of course. Give it your best shot and be patient, let go of your agenda and be ready to accept the challenge the ocean has for you each time you venture in. Embrace the energy and persist, the rewards are amazing and age is no excuse!” - Tracey, long-time customer and friend

“Don’t overthink it - just do it. It is life-changing, empowering, and so rewarding. Allow yourself to make mistakes, be willing to look silly (although you won’t look silly – you’ll look awesome!), have fun and enjoy it! Do it at your own pace and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just be YOU! The rewards you will get out of surfing far outweigh any fears. Life is so much more meaningful with surfing in it, no matter what level you are at - just do it!! If you had asked me a few years ago if I would be surfing, I would have laughed in your face and now look at me!” - Chloe, Surf Getaways customer

“Just do it! Our Surf Getaways Surf Coach, Hannah, has made each lesson fun and safe. She was in control, excited and encouraging us to improve at each lesson - extending us without pushing beyond our limits. It’s inspiring to learn from a young, passionate female surfer.” - Sally, Surf Getaways customer and new surfer

We hope these words of encouragement will help you leave your doubts and fears behind and give finally give surfing a go. Make 2023 the year you learnt to surf, by joining one of our all female learn to surf clinics or one of our learn to surf experiences all over the globe.


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