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The top 5 surf safety tips

Women surf clinics going surfing

It’s important to ensure your safety and those around you when surfing. At Surf Getaways we make sure you understand all surf etiquette and safety matters of surfing on all our surf clinics and surf tours so you stay safe and have the best time out in the surf. Today we’ve put together some of our top safety tips to ensure you have fun every time you’re in the water:

1. Never surf alone

This is the same as never swimming alone. Whenever you plan on going for a surf, always try to find someone to go for a surf with – whether that is a friend or family member. The importance of doing so will ensure your safety in case there is an incident, you’ll have some back up and someone to help you out if needed. This also has the added bonus of going for a surf with someone and having fun! It’s a great opportunity to share the experience together, have a chat, help each other out and have some fun at the same time! It can also be reassuring paddling out with somebody by your side.

2. If in doubt don’t paddle out

Knowing your limits is very important especially when participating in an activity in the ocean. It’s one thing to push yourself out of your comfort zone in a safe, controlled environment so that improvements can be made, however pushing yourself over your personal limit is when fear kicks in and accidents happen. So if you ever get down to the beach, are standing at the shoreline looking out at the surf and have a gut feeling you're just not ready for it, you’re more than likely right! There is nothing wrong with knowing your limits and deciding that today is not the day to surf – or to simply get in the car and drive to a safer, calmer location. You’ll enjoy yourself much more too!

3. Familiarize yourself with the beach

Getting to know your local beach is essential to surfing so that you can gain an understanding of different conditions. If you’re ever visiting a new or different beach and are unsure of the conditions it is always best to ask. Life guards are always a great source of information, explain that you're new to this beach and would love to go for a surf and ask where they would suggest heading out – it’s their job to know the conditions and they’ll be more than happy to help. If there are no lifeguards around, ask a local in the carpark, more often than not they’ll offer to take you out and give you some information on the location.

4. Check your equipment

Always make sure you check your equipment before you get in the water. Check your leg rope for any knots or wear and tear. If the leg rope looks frayed in any way at all don’t take it out as you risk losing your board. Check that you have enough wax on your board so you don’t slip off and double check there are no dings in your surfboard. You always want to make sure your equipment is in great condition so you have no issues once you’re out in the water.

5. Have control of your surfboard

At all times you should be in control of your surfboard. This includes when you’re paddling out and when you’re sitting on your board that you make sure the nose/front of the board is pointing out to sea and not diagonal along the wave. This will ensure that if a wave comes you’ll be able to paddle over or turtle roll the wave. Always avoid ditching/letting go of your surfboard if a wave does come because if you do there is a lot of distance between you and the end of the board that you do not have control of.

If you’re new to surfing or still feel overwhelmed by all the hazards and risks present in the ocean, join our surf clinics or come to one of our surf experiences and learn all there is to know about surfing with our experienced female coaches and a group of like-minded women. You’ll feel supported and empowered in and out of the water.


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